User settings

The main navigation menu is situated on the left side of the page. Below the account name, you'll find your Customer ID, which you should reference when contacting the support team.

Expanded vs. Collapsed Main Menu:

You can choose to view the menu in its full, expanded version, or in a collapsed state to maximize screen space for data viewing. To expand the menu, simply hover over it.

User settings

By clicking on the smiley – last position in the main menu (highlighted in red in the screenshot above), you will see the following options:

  • Personal details
  • User Management
  • Invoices
  • Refresh portals data
  • What's new
  • Logout

Personal details

In this section, you can upload a profile picture, change your system language, or change your password. You can also verify your details (name and salutation).

User Management

Depending on your permissions, you can add new users and adjust the individual access rights for each user. You may also delete users. Please keep in mind that only one user per email address can be created.


This section allows you to view the following

You can also update your payment method in this section - see this article for more information

Refresh portals data

Reviews from external portals, such as Google,, are displayed on your Customer Alliance platform. Every night, we will analyze if there are new reviews or new comments on the existing reviews. By default, this check will be performed for the last 4 weeks only. In case you have commented on reviews that were submitted more than 4 weeks ago, the system will not automatically find your comments. By clicking on the button “Refresh portals data” the data will be queued to be refreshed in your backend and the Comment Rate will be updated accordingly.

*You will be able to manually refresh the data up to 3 times per day

What's new

The place to find our latest feature updates


Clicking on 'log-out' will immediately log you out of your Customer Alliance platform.

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