
The competitors' section enables you to compare your performance with selected competitors. We advise choosing hotels/businesses that are located in the same region/city and have similar characteristics (e.g. same star rating). If you would like to change or add a competitor, please contact our support team for assistance.

Group account

The first tile My score is the average score within your group, it takes into account all your locations.

The second tile, Competitor score is the average of all competitors from your locations

My average reviews is the average number of reviews per location

The competitor average reviews is the average number of review per competitor.

Single account

Competition overview - Public Reviews Score

This section provides you with a ranking of each competitor regarding the public review score (average rating), your account is also included in the ranking which allows you to compare.

On the right side, the graph represents the number of reviews ranked by polarity, your location is also included in there.

Performance by criteria

This radar chart showcases your competitors performance for each criteria/Csat.

Competitors can be selected or removed by clicking on them at the bottom of the chart.

Portals’ Rating

In case you want to compare yourself to competitors on specific external portals, the portals’ rating provides a table with the average rating for each portal. However they are displayed by default, clicking on the hotel name will automatically display the score and the number of reviews per source (portal)

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