Statistics and how to interpret them

The first section in the Analytics 360° tab corresponds to the Statistics section.

This section provides an overview of the development of scores and the number of responses related to all questions asked in your surveys over time.

Here you will be able to select one of the following topics:

  • Scores & Criteria – Detailed overtime analysis for your rating criteria and scores
  • Portals – Detailed overtime analysis for all portals
  • Messages – Detailed overtime analysis for all your Customer Journey messages

As always, any of these subsections will give you the possibility to select a specific time range using the filter function located in the top right corner. In all three cases, data is displayed in the form of an overtime graph and a table.

Overtime Graph

The Overtime Graph shows you the score or response trend related to all survey questions (you will need to define and select specific question data to analyse to have the best feature experience). The x-axis is the time axis while, depending on your selection, the y-axis indicates the quantity of reviews or score values (select Score or Responses based on your statistics needs).

The Benchmark feature will show both in the graphic and the table, allowing you to set a reference point based on the following options:

  • Same time previous year: Benchmark shows data from the same time frame in the previous year
  • The same period of the previous duration: Benchmark shows data from the same time frame in the previous period of the same duration
  • No benchmark

Important: The x-axis is responsive and switches to the best displayable time unit depending on the time frame selected. It can display monthly, weekly or daily data points. The longer the chosen period the bigger the unit.

Tip: The button “Force Monthly” will force the time scale on the x-axis on the graph to be rendered on a monthly-basis regardless of the time frame selected in the date filter.


Below the graph, you will see a Table that can display multiple topics that you will be able to select from the Display button.

In the table, you will be able to:

  • Use the arrow in the column header to organize the list based on your needs
  • Navigate along different locations provided you have more than one
  • Select one or more specific locations in the table simply by clicking on them. This will make the data appear both in the table and in the Graph above
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