General overview

In this section, in addition to your own Customer Alliance scores, you will find scores from external portals such as Google,, etc. The purpose of monitoring external portals will be to provide a comprehensive overview of your online reputation.

NOTE: In the Dashboard - My KPIs, you have the option to add extra tiles (one tile per external portal).

Public reviews score

The left box presents the customer satisfaction index for the time frame selected in the filter, as well as the number of reviews collected.


In the central box, your reviews are separated into positive, neutral and negative scores. Reviews between 100-75 % are considered positive reviews, 74-40 % count as neutral and 39-0 % as negative. You can click on the smileys to access the individual reviews.


The right box displays your Net Promoter Score. This score is calculated based on the question “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?” in your Customer Alliance questionnaire. It is a number between -100 and 100. If this question is not part of your survey, then no score will be displayed.


This section of your dashboard provides you an overview of how many customers have been invited to submit a review and how many emails could not be delivered (for example due to wrong spelling). Additionally, you can see how many customers have opened the questionnaire (Click-rate) and how many have submitted a review (Return rate).

The general overview presents the average ratings of external portals based on the time range selected in the filter.

Next to the overall rating average, you can see how many reviews have been submitted as well as your comment rate (how many reviews you have publicly responded to). In addition, you can be redirected to the website of each external portal or to view all reviews by clicking the symbol with an arrow. The graph below the portal tiles shows how your reviews have developed over time.


At the top of the Dashboard page, you will find the 3 most recent alerts. Those are hints about specific developments and help you to stay on track with your Online Reputation Management. The number highlighted in red indicates how many alerts are open and must be taken care of. Clicking “All alerts” will navigate you to the statistics menu, where all alerts are listed in the stream and an evaluation can be found.


For each alert, you have various options available:

Change the status from open to resolved

See suggested actions or go to the related review

Create a to-do related to the insight

Alert Colour

Green: positive development (e.g. review with high rating )

Red: critical development (e.g. review with low rating)

Yellow: development in specific guest segments ( e.g. several reviews from specific age groups)

Filter & Compare function

With the filter on the top right, you can select the period you wish to analyze. By default, the time range will be set to the last 6 months, but you can choose from different options in the drop-down menu or select a custom time frame as well.

Example: To analyze your customer satisfaction of the last month, select the dates in the calendar:

Depending on which time frame is selected, the x-axis in all graphs displayed on the dashboard will change.

Force Monthly

The button “Force Monthly” will force the time scale on the x-axis on all graphs to be rendered every month regardless of the time frame selected in the date filter.

Compare to

In the top left corner, you can compare your review results with the same period of last month or last year.

Example: To compare your customer satisfaction of this month with the month before, select “Same time last month” in the drop-down menu.


This section presents the key figures regarding your reviews.

Review count

Review count is the number of reviews submitted according to the time frame selected with the filter.

The Overall average

The Overall average is calculated based on all criteria your customers have rated in the questionnaire.

The Comment rate

The Comment rate displays how many reviews you have publicly responded to.

The Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score shows you the results of the question “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?”. It is a number between -100 and 100.

The Return rate

The Return rate indicates what percentage of all customers asked have completed the survey. Total shows the overall return rate, summing up the results of the 1st invitation as well as the reminder email (if applicable) sent. To determine the influence of each invitation the return rate is further split into 1st invitation and Reminder. When hovering over the info icon, you will see the exact number of customers who have been asked to submit a review and the number of customers who submitted one.

With the filter in the top right corner, you can select several options to refine your report, e.g. for a specific date range or focusing on a specific criteria.

Scores & Criteria

In the survey level view, in the Dashboard - General Overview, you will find the Scores & Criteria section in which the results for individual questions such as “How satisfied are you with the accommodation?” will be analyzed.

When hovering with the mouse over the evaluation bars, you will be able to see how many answers have been submitted to the individual questions and also a breakdown of positive, neutral and negative replies.

Historical Evolution Over Time

Next to the Scores & Criteria section, the Historical Evolution Over Time overviews how many surveys have been submitted over the selected period.

The x-axis is the time axis, the y-axis indicates the number of reviews, and depending if you have activated the button “Show rating” on the top right corner, the customer satisfaction rating will also be shown.

TIP: Scores & Criteria and Over Time graphs are connected. If you click on one of the criteria - the Over Time graph will be updated and will display data for the selected criteria only.


If you have competitors installed, on the dashboard you will find the tile You vs. your Competitors which will give you a quick preview of your position compared to your competitors:

The tile You vs. your Competitors has a drill-down navigation button (see the screenshot above) to show the relevant navigation option for a deeper analysis of this KPI. To find out more about the competition, go to section 'Competitors'

Note: The competition tile is only available from the level of an individual account.

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